Setting an Example

Weekly Gathering

Sunday AM - 9:30am

Wed. Night at 6:00pm

Welcome to 412 Student Ministry where students in grades 6 through 12 are growing to be "an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." {1 Timothy 4:12} We are an active ministry meeting regularly on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights with group outings, service projects, and small groups in between. We are committed to being a safe and wholesome space for your students as they grow from childhood into young adults.

-Elesea Russo

Special Events

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Winter Retreat

Winter Retreat

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Meet the Adults

Tara Schmidt
Tara joined Sabino Road as a single woman in her mid twenties with a desire to serve in youth ministry and zero experience. Over 6 years later the youth ministry has blessed her in many ways. She met her husband by serving alongside him in the youth group and the Lord has been faithful giving them a growing family that Tara stays home full time to look after.

Isaac Schmidt
Isaac began going to Sabino Road in 2019, quickly finding a fondness in youth ministry. This ministry has really blessed him, and provided plenty of opportunities for him to share about Jesus and evangelize to students.

Elesea Russo, Director
Elesea is the 412 student ministry director at Sabino Road and is also married to the senior pastor. She agreed to "fill in for a few weeks" teaching youth back in 2018 and found the ministry God called her to and never looked back. When she's not with 412 students she homeschools her 4 kids, reads, hikes, and swims.

Zach Buell
Zach is a Tucson native who has been at Sabino Road since birth. His favorite part of serving the youth is getting to see them grow with Jesus. His hobbies include trucks the outdoors and spending time with family.
