The Gospel of John 9/1/2024 - In This Series Date Sermon Title Speaker 10/06/2024 True Freedom Pastor John Russo 09/29/2024 Let It Shine Pastor John Russo 09/22/2024 Shame and the Savior Pastor John Russo 09/15/2024 Drink Deeply Pastor John Russo 09/08/2024 Barriers to Faith Pastor John Russo 09/01/2024 Feast Fight Pastor John Russo 11/05/2023 Secure Faith Pastor John Russo 10/29/2023 Feed Your Soul Pastor John Russo 10/22/2023 Storm Warning Pastor John Russo 10/15/2023 Channels of Power Pastor John Russo 10/08/2023 Prove It Pastor John Russo 10/01/2023 Kingdom Authority Pastor John Russo 09/24/2023 The Power of Change Pastor John Russo 09/17/2023 Beyond Belief Pastor John Russo 09/03/2023 Shameless Pastor John Russo 08/27/2023 Choose Wisely Pastor John Russo 08/20/2023 The Main Event Pastor John Russo 08/13/2023 Rebirth Pastor John Russo 08/06/2023 Worship Well Pastor John Russo 07/30/2023 A Budget Wedding Pastor John Russo 07/23/2023 Come and See Pastor John Russo 07/16/2023 The Key to Confidence Pastor John Russo 07/02/2023 Displaying the Divine Pastor John Russo 06/25/2023 Responding to the Light Pastor John Russo 06/11/2023 Champion Pastor John Russo